GE3 - Third German edition

Publisher: Fr. Kistner
Date: circa 1850
Title: Douze Grandes Etudes || No. 7
Dedication: SON AMI F. LISZT

Third German edition in which a few revisions of the text of GE2 were performed, e.g.: cautionary accidentals were revised (e.g., a  was added before b1 in bars 4, 12 and 37, and removed in bars 1-2 and 38-39), the long accent in bars 32 and 35 was changed to a short one, as well as the wedge in bar 48, which was replaced with a dot.

There are copies of GE3 which differ in the cover details. The pencilled annotations visible in the presented copy are of no source value.

Original in: Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Vienna
Shelf-mark: M.S.66676