Issues : Wedges

b. 25-28

composition: Op. 10 No 2, Etude in A minor

Wedges & dots in Ap

Dots in FEcor

Dot in FE (→GE,EE


In the main text we give three staccato dots, at the beginning of bars 25-27, written by Chopin in FEcor. In finished FE (→GE,EE) only the dot in bar 26 was printed. Ap displays a richer set of staccato markings.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Authentic corrections of FE , Wedges

b. 32

composition: Op. 10 No 2, Etude in A minor

No mark in CLIFE (→GE,EE

Wedge in Ap

Wedge in Ap


The wedge written in Ap is most probably a part of Chopin's quest for an accurate way of writing down this chord – cf. the adjacent remark

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Wedges