Issues : Long accents

b. 58

composition: WN 17, Polonaise in B♭ major

No signs in JC & EF

 in PE

 in PE (interpretation)


Three subsequent  signs visible in PE are most probably long accents (in Chopin's notation such signs ordered in a sequence, even if they are not long enough to be considered as accents, are similar in their meaning). However, it is only the first one that does not raise any doubts, both as the type of sign and its position are concerned. Therefore, in the case of the remaining two, we give both their literal reading and the most probable, according to us, interpretation.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Long accents , Inaccuracies in PE

b. 83

composition: WN 17, Polonaise in B♭ major

No mark in JC & EF

Accent in PE


The long accent of PE, characteristic for Chopin, is one of a number of elements confirming the authenticity of this source.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Long accents