Main text
JC - Jędrzejewicz Copy
PE - First Polish Edition
EF - Editions by Fontana
FEF - French edition by Fontana
GEF - German edition by Fontana
  b. 67

Small crotchet in JC

Acciaccatura in EF

No ornament in PE

Lack of the grace note in PE does not seem to be a mistake – Chopin probably resigned from it, while writing [A] (maybe he did not want to repeat the ploy from bar 16 and analog.?). It is hard to determine which form of the grace note – a crotchet or a slashed quaver – was featured in [AI]. Moreover, Chopin was not too accurate in writing grace notes: small non-slashed quavers, and even crotchets, may sometimes indicate short ornaments, which, according to the rules, should have a form of a slashed quaver. 

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category imprint: Differences between sources

notation: Pitch

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Original in: The Fryderyk Chopin Museum, Warsaw