The dynamic markings of PE in bars 64-66 raise some doubts, as far as the accuracy of the recreation of the notation of [A] is concerned. It particularly applies to bar 65, where the engraver's errors may be suspected. Despite of that fact, after introducing appropriate corrections, a quite coherent, total image of the dynamic changes is created, whose range is determined by the indications cresc. (from the 3rd beat of bar 64) and dimin. in bar 66. The range of validity of cresc. is not determined, however, it seems to be natural to assume that it accompanies the ascending progression of the bass from g to c1. Therefore, the climax falls at the beginning of bar 66, which at the same time corresponds to the course of harmonic tensions (a Neapolitan chord). Determining the dynamic changes both with verbal indications and with
hairpins is very characteristic for Chopin; generally, they also carry different meaning – cresc. and dim. define greater, often longer changes concerning the entire sound, whereas the hairpins point to local details of the melodic line.
EF operates only with one type of signs (
), determining with them two waves of dynamic changes, smaller in bar 64 and a bigger one in bars 65-66. In this version, the climax was clearly indicated with the marking
at the beginning of bar 66. According to us, all the markings are an addition by Fontana; however, those of them that correspond to the authentic indications of PE, e.g.,
in bar 65 and
in bar 66 may be used to improve Chopin's indications.
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category imprint: Differences between sources
notation: Articulation, Accents, Hairpins