Main text
JC - Jędrzejewicz Copy
PE - First Polish Edition
EF - Editions by Fontana
FEF - French edition by Fontana
GEF - German edition by Fontana
  b. 37

No signs in JC & PE

  in EF

Our variant suggestion

Lack of dynamic indications in PE may be attributed to a drop in attention span at the time of writing the bar introducing the repetition, not written out. One may confirm or suspect signs of distraction in a few different details of notation, cf. the remarks concerning the R.H. and the beginning and end of the bar in the part of the L.H. Due to this fact, we propose the signs appearing in analogous bars 10 and 18, as well as in EF.

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category imprint: Interpretations within context; Differences between sources

notation: Articulation, Accents, Hairpins

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Original in: Muzeum Fryderyka Chopina, Warszawa