Main text
JC - Jędrzejewicz Copy
PE - First Polish Edition
EF - Editions by Fontana
FEF - French edition by Fontana
GEF - German edition by Fontana
  b. 12

Chord in JC

Sixth in EF

Another chord in PE

Our suggestion

The sound of the 2nd quaver intended by Chopin gives rise to doubts. JC has here a b-e1-g1 triad, while EF  – a b-g1 sixth. Each of those versions smoothly combines both with the spread chord d-b-f1 in the previous bar and the next three quavers creating a B major chord. Those versions, and particularly the sixth confirmed in analogous bar 39, may be considered as a fully-fledged alternative for the reconstruction of the version of [A] described below.

PE has here an e-g-e1 chord, most probably including the erroneous in this context e note. Taking into consideration various possibilities of the lithographer's errors, as well as the harmonic content and the accompaniment's voice-leading, we consider the g-b-echord as the most justified reconstruction of the version of [A] and we propose it in such form in the main text.

Compare the passage in the sources »

category imprint: Interpretations within context; Differences between sources

issues: Terzverschreibung error, Errors in PE

notation: Pitch

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Original in: Biblioteka Narodowego Instytutu Fryderyka Chopina, Warszawa