PE - First Polish Edition
Main text
JC - Jędrzejewicz Copy
PE - First Polish Edition
EF - Editions by Fontana
FEF - French edition by Fontana
GEF - German edition by Fontana
  b. 9

No indication in JC & PE

 in EF

Our suggestion

Lack of dynamic indication for the new phrase beginning in this place may be considered as an inaccuracy of PE. It suggests performing it in the dynamics determined before, at the beginning of the piece. However, the sign in bar 1 is also unclear, while its probable reading () makes it hardly compatible both with the texture and type of melody in bars 9-12 and with the indication tranquillamente. Moreover, one should take into account the possibility of a mistaken omission of PE – in this edition bar 9 opens a new page, which favours inaccuracies. In this case we propose to complete the main text, modelled on the base source, with the indication  (in brackets) drawn from EF. In JC, there is no marking. 

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category imprint: Differences between sources

notation: Verbal indications

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Original in: Biblioteka Narodowego Instytutu Fryderyka Chopina, Warszawa