Main text
AO - Autograph Oury
AR - Autograph Rotschild
AE - Autograph Eszterhazy
AK - Autograph Krudner
AG - Autograph Gavard
CX - Copy of Autograph Eszterhazy
CY - Copy of Autograph Gavard
CC - Czartoryscy copy
F - Fontana Version
FC - Fontana copy
PE - First Polish edition
FEF - Fontana's French edition
GEF - Fontana's German edition
  b. 1-23

The first page of FC, to bar 23, has not been preserved to the present day. In the abbreviated markings of sources from Fontana's version we adopt:
- to bar 23: F = PE, FEF, GEF
- from bar 23: F = PE, FEF, GEF and FC.

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category imprint: Source & stylistic information

issues: Incomplete sources

notation: Shorthand & other

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