Main text
AO - Autograph Oury
AR - Autograph Rotschild
AE - Autograph Eszterhazy
AK - Autograph Krudner
AG - Autograph Gavard
CX - Copy of Autograph Eszterhazy
CY - Copy of Autograph Gavard
CC - Czartoryscy copy
F - Fontana Version
FC - Fontana copy
PE - First Polish edition
FEF - Fontana's French edition
GEF - Fontana's German edition
  b. 47-48

In all autographs (AO, AR, AE, AK, AG) and CX and CY copies, there is an identical phrase mark. In AR, the phrase mark is led at the bottom. In CC, there is no phrase mark here.

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See b. 1-52

category imprint: Differences between sources

notation: Slurs

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