Main text
AO - Autograph Oury
AR - Autograph Rotschild
AE - Autograph Eszterhazy
AK - Autograph Krudner
AG - Autograph Gavard
CX - Copy of Autograph Eszterhazy
CY - Copy of Autograph Gavard
CC - Czartoryscy copy
F - Fontana Version
FC - Fontana copy
PE - First Polish edition
FEF - Fontana's French edition
GEF - Fontana's German edition
  b. 20





The sources differ in the rhythmic value of the initial e in the L.H.: in AO, AR, AG (→CY) it is a quaver, in the remaining sources – a minim. On the 2nd beat of the bar, we encounter three variants:
- the g-b-gtriad in AO, AR, AE, AG (→CY), CC
- the b-gin AK (under the condition that it is considered jointly with the minim on the 1st beat)
- the g-b-etriad in F - of questionable authenticity, perhaps the topmost note of the chord is a Terzverschreibung error.

In CX, the chord on the 2nd beat is ambiguous - it seems that the copyist originally wrote there a four-note chord, e-g-b-g1, and then removed the erroneous e note - in his way - leading the stem of the chord through the note head (a similar situation is to be found in bar 27). Additionally, he moved it under the 3rd beat in the R.H. We adopt the version of AE for the editorial version of CX.  

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category imprint: Differences between sources

notation: Pitch

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