p. 1, b. 1-24
Main text
b. 4-6
It is unclear how to understand the combination of the ties between the d1 notes in bars 4-5 and the c1 notes in bars 5-6 and the arpeggio marks preceding the chords at the beginning of bar 5 and 6, since the markings seem contradictory. There are two possibilities:
- one can consider the ties to be slurs and play the entire chords as arpeggios, repeating the aforementioned notes;
- one can reduce the range of the arpeggios to the two bottom notes of the discussed chords, holding the topmost note.
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category imprint: Source & stylistic information
issues: Tie or slur
Missing markers on sources:
A, EE2, EE1, IE1, GE1, FE1