Main text
A - Autograph
FE - French edition
FE1 - First French edition
FE2 - Corrected impression of FE1
FEJ - Jędrzejewicz copy
FES - Stirling copy
GE - German edition
GE1 - First German edition
GE2 - Revised impression of GE1
EE - English edition
EE1 - First English edition
EE2 - Corrected impression of EE1
  b. 277-283

3 staccato dots in A

4 dots in GE

No marks in FE (→EE1)

2 dots in GE2

Unlike the first time (bars 110-116), in this case in A Chopin provided with staccato dots also the initial L.H. octaves in bar 279, 281 and 283. In this situation we consider the missing dot in bar 277 to be an oversight, and in the main text we provide dots in all four places. A similar addition was introduced already by GE. By contrast, in EE2, which repeated many marks overlooked in FE (→EE1) after GE1, only the dots in bar 277 and 279 were added. See also the note on the L.H. slurs.

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category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

issues: EE revisions, GE revisions

notation: Articulation, Accents, Hairpins

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Original in: Biblioteka Narodowego Instytutu Fryderyka Chopina, Warszawa