Graphic ambiguousness
Interpretations within context
Differences between sources
Editorial revisions
Corrections & alterations
Source & stylistic information
Articulation, Accents, Hairpins
Verbal indications
Shorthand & other

b. 53-61

composition: Op. 30 No. 4, Mazurka in C# minor


As before, in GE cautionary sharps were added to the top notes of the dominant chords in bars 53, 57, 59 and 61.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: GE revisions

b. 53-54

composition: Op. 30 No. 4, Mazurka in C# minor

g1 tied in b. 52-53 in FC (→GE)

g1 tied in b. 52-54 in FE (→EE)


The missing tie to g1 to bar 54 in FC (→GE) is almost certainly Fontana's mistake.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Errors of FC

b. 54-62

composition: Op. 30 No. 4, Mazurka in C# minor

No slurs in b. 57 & 62 in FC

No slurs in b. 54 & 56-57 in FE

No slur in b. 57 in EE

No slur in b. 62 in GE

All slurs complemented by the editors


In bars 54, 56-57 and 62 particular sources do not include some of the slurs linking the semiquaver to the chord. A comparison of the versions suggests that both in FC and FE at least one slur present in [A] was left out. On the other hand, both in EE and GE the texts of the bases were revised by adding slurs, yet none of them did it consistently.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

issues: EE revisions , Errors in FE , GE revisions , Errors of FC

b. 55-57

composition: Op. 30 No. 4, Mazurka in C# minor

 &  in FC (→GE)

poco ritenuto, in tempo & sempre piano in FE

poco ritenutoa tempo & sempre piano in EE


The  indication in bar 55 was added to FC by Chopin;  in bar 57 most probably too. This means that the 3 different indications visible in FE were also added to a text devoid of markings, probably in the stage of proofreading. Given uncertainty on the chronology of the Chopinesque corrections in FC, the basis for FE and the very FE, in the main text we provide the version of the principal source, FC. It introduces dynamic contrast, so typical of this opus. Moreover, both versions are undoubtedly authentic and can be regarded as equal.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Authentic corrections of FE , Authentic corrections of FC

b. 55

composition: Op. 30 No. 4, Mazurka in C# minor

 in FC (→GE)

in FE (→EE)


In the main text we give the grace note after FE, which seems more reliable in this case – see bar 39.

category imprint: Differences between sources