Issues : Errors in PE

b. 90-92

composition: WN 29, Waltz in E minor

b-d1-g1 in PE1

a-c1-g1 & d1-g1 in PE2

a-c1-g1 in PE3 (→PE4)

b-d1-g1 in GE


In bars 90 and 92 and in their written-out repetitions, the 1st R.H. chord has three versions in PE. None of them seem authentic:

  • the first one contains a non-Chopinesque, alternating set of parallel major and minor chords,
  • the second and third ones are a revision, introduced in stages, on an unidentified basis; there is nothing to indicate that this version could have reflected any authentic intention of the text.

In the main text we give the version of GE, which, according to us, is the most likely reconstruction of [A], performed on the basis of PE1.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

issues: GE revisions , Errors in PE ,

b. 92

composition: WN 29, Waltz in E minor

Crotchet & minim in PE

Minim in GE

Crotchet, our alternative suggestion


In PE there is a crotchet with a rest in bar 92, while in bar 92/116 – a minim. One of the versions is most probably erroneous; however, there is not sufficient evidence to decide which one. To the main text we choose the minim, since the repetition of the section encompassing bars 89-96 seems to have been reproduced slightly more accurately – cf. the notes on fingering (bar 89) and the slur (bars 95-96). This version was introduced in GE

category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

issues: GE revisions , Errors in PE

b. 99

composition: WN 29, Waltz in E minor

 only in b. 99 in sources

in both passages suggested by the editors


The missing  hairpin in bar 99/123 is most probably an oversight by the engraver, hence in the main text we include (by means of the repeat sign) the mark from bar 99 twice.

category imprint: Editorial revisions

issues: Errors in PE

b. 103

composition: WN 29, Waltz in E minor


The cautionary  to gis present in the sources only the first time, in bar 103. It is difficult to say whether it was overlooked in bar 103/127 or added by the reviser in bar 103. In the main text we include this accidental.

category imprint: Editorial revisions

issues: Cautionary accidentals , Errors in PE ,

b. 105-106

composition: WN 29, Waltz in E minor


In all sources the only pedal marking in bars 105-106 is the  mark at the end of bar 106, which is a patent mistake. We consider the unquestionable pedal markings present the second time these bars appear to be the text of the sources. We suggest this version also in the main text.

category imprint: Editorial revisions

issues: Errors in PE , Errors repeated in GE