Issues : Chopin's hesitations

b. 66

composition: Op. 31, Scherzo in B♭ minor

c1 in A

c1 & c1, possible interpretation of A

c1 in  FC (→GE) & FE (→EE)


The main text is a version introduced by Chopin in FC (→GE) and in the proofreading of FE (→EE). In the L.H. part in A one can see traces of numerous corrections in this bar; however, both a possible original version (like in the previous bar) and the final one were then changed by Chopin in FC and FE, respectively. According to us, the notation of A may also denote a version that we give as a possible interpretation should we assume that the restoration of c1 was overlooked.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations; Source & stylistic information

issues: Corrections in A , Chopin's hesitations , Errors resulting from corrections , Authentic corrections of FE , Authentic corrections of FC

b. 66-68

composition: Op. 63 No. 1, Mazurka in B major

Slur from b. 67 in AI

Slur from b. 66 in FE (→GE,EE)


In the main text we give the unequivocal FE slur (→GE,EE). As far as the slurring of AI is concerned, both the slur beginning in bar 67 and the one ending at the beginning of bar 66 could be inaccurate, since it is unlikely that Chopin would have wanted to leave bar 66 without a slur. We consider the following scenario to be likely – Chopin first wrote a slur in bars 67-68 (reaching bar 69), then, while drawing a slur under bar 61 with the intention of leading it to the end of bar 66 or the beginning of bar 67, he hesitated a bar before, having considered that it could have been better to link bar 66 with the next bars (as in the final version). In this situation, unfinished slurs would mean that the doubt remained unresolved in the stage of writing AI.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations; Source & stylistic information

issues: Chopin's hesitations

b. 67

composition: Op. 10 No 3, Etude in E major

Semiquavers in AI & FE (→GE,EE2)

Crotchet in A

Semiquavers with slur in EE3 (→EE4)


The version of A seems to be only a temporary deviation from the original concept, as at the time of proofreading FE (→GE,EE), Chopin returned the semiquaver figure, used before in AI (as repetition of the motif from bar 14). We add a slur over the semiquavers, by analogy with the slur added by Chopin in a proofreading of FE (→GE,EE) in bar 14, as well as with the slurs in analogous bars 15 (proofreading of FE) and 68 (A). This addition was already introduced in EE3 (→EE4).

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Chopin's hesitations , Authentic corrections of FE

b. 67

composition: Op. 64 No 1, Waltz in D♭ major

A & c1-g1 in As & AIII

a-c1-g1 in AI

Crotchets a & c1-g1 in AII

Minim a & c1-g1 in A (→FEGE,EE)


In this bar the accompaniment evolved through a few versions. Chopin started from the version of AIII, written in As as the first one. The next one was probably the second entirely different version of As (see bars 62-69), rejected – deleted – still at the stage of writing the sketch. In AI and AII two versions were tested, already very close to the one that was finally accepted in A and editions.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Chopin's hesitations

b. 67

composition: Op. 64 No 2, Waltz in C♯ minor

e2-d2 w As (1. version) & A (→FEGE,EE)

e2-d2-c2 in As (2nd version→AI)


The version of AI is naturally earlier than the published version; however, the notation of As, in which both versions most probably overlap, suggests that it is the version of A that was created first. It results from the space between the notes – e2 and d2 fill the bar to the same extent as f2 and e2 in the previous bar. Then, willing to introduce a progression of three crotchets, Chopin simply added a c2. The corrections visible in the next two bars reveal also other changes in the second half of this phrase; therefore, it is likely that the continuation of the two-note version of this bar in As was different than in the final version (cf. the reconstruction of the earliest version of the melody in the note to bar 69). A correction in this place is visible also in A – the interpretation of the crossed-out text is actually impossible, but the range of the crossing-out suggests that two crotchets were removed, hence most probably the version of AI.  

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Chopin's hesitations , Deletions in A , Main-line changes