Issues : Dotted or even rhythm

b. 246

composition: Op. 2, Variations, complete

Semiquavers after AsI

Dotted rhythm in A (→GEFE,EE,FESB)


As was the case with a few other places in this tutti, the semiquavers in AsI are the initial version, present in this manuscript in the orchestral part too. Cf. bars 242 and 244 and 247-251.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Dotted or even rhythm

b. 247-251

composition: Op. 2, Variations, complete

Semiquavers in AsI

Dotted rhythms in A (→GEFE,EE,FESB)


The rhythm with semiquavers only present in bars 247, 249 and the 1st half of bar 251 was written in AsI twice – as the earliest version (the initial one written in ink) and the latest one (corrections in pencil). While preparing the version for one piano for print, Chopin opted for dotted rhythms, which we give in the main text.

category imprint: Corrections & alterations

issues: Dotted or even rhythm

b. 267

composition: Op. 2, Variations, complete

2 semiquavers in AsI & A (→GEFESB)

Dotted rhythm in FE & EE


In the version of AsI and A (→GEFESB) the dot prolonging g1 refers to the quaver and indicates that it should be held to c2 (actually to g1, which must be played again). In the version of FE1 and EE this dot refers to – also or only – the semiquaver, as a result of which the next note must be shortened. It is difficult to say whether the emergence of the other version in FE1 resulted from Chopin's proofreading or from the interpretation of the slightly misleading Chopinesque notation by the engraver or reviser, as in EE.

category imprint: Graphic ambiguousness; Differences between sources

issues: Authentic corrections of FE , FE revisions , Dotted or even rhythm , Inaccuracies in A