b. 43

No crotchet on 3rd beat in As, contextual interpretation

b-c1-e1 in FE (→GE,EE)

The additional c1 on the 3rd beat is the first of 5 differences that occur in the published version between the main theme of the Mazurka at the beginning and end of the piece (bars 2-15 and 42-55). We do not include here the differences between bars 1 & 41 and 16 & 56, as they result from connections – or lack thereof – with music appearing after (bar 17) or before (bar 40) this theme. The other differences are:

  • R.H. rhythm in bar 45,
  • the tie to the grace note c1 in bar 49,
  • mordent on b1 in bar 50,
  • L..H. chord in bar 53.

The text of As is given based on bar 3 – see bar 42.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Accompaniment changes

notation: Pitch

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