b. 11
composition: Op. 28 No. 7, Prelude in A major
In the main text we include the fingering, coming most probably from Chopin, entered into FED. The entry concerning this semiquaver is blurry and thus difficult to interpret – it consists of two parts, under and above notes, out of which each seems to contain certain digits, perhaps combined with other signs. We base our interpretation on the assumption that each part was being written at a different time, probably by a different person, but both contain digits '1' and '2', written one above the other. This corresponds to the – practically the only possible – fingering of this place, while the performance of the entry emphasizes the need for holding the c2-e2 third on the 2nd and 3rd beats of the bar (in spite of the pedalling), probably to prepare the position of the broad, culminant chord in the next bar. category imprint: Graphic ambiguousness; Differences between sources |