In A (→FC,FE) accidentals were inserted very inaccurately in these bars, although the dense texture, and particularly the numerous doubled notes, allow us to determine the harmonic structure easily, hence also the correct text. Therefore, on the list presented below you can find the omitted accidentals:
- in b. 44 sharps before c
1 are missing, both in the R.H. (2nd quaver) and the L.H. (6th quaver), as well as naturals before e(1) and b(1);
- in b. 45 there are no naturals before b and e2 or sharps before c
1 and f
- in b. 46 all 5 L.H. naturals in the 1st half of the bar are missing as well as the
before b1 on the 5th quaver.
Accidentals were added in GE and EE (in EE1 except before b in b. 44 and b1 in b. 46, added in EE2). Moreover, in GE the
intended for c
1 in b. 45 was misplaced (at the pitch of b).
The naturals before the b-b1 octave in b. 44 were also added in FED.
The notation of FCI is much more accurate than the one of A – it was only the before g
in b. 44 and 5 L.H. part naturals in the 1st half of b. 46 that were overlooked.
category imprint: Interpretations within context; Differences between sources
issues: Annotations in teaching copies, EE revisions, Annotations in FED, Accidentals in different octaves, Errors in GE, GE revisions, Omission of current key accidentals, Inaccuracies in A, Errors repeated in FE, Errors repeated in EE
notation: Pitch
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