We consider the hairpin in AF to be inaccurate:
- the mark ends clearly earlier than in the remaining sources, including in FE, in which it could have been added by Chopin, since it is absent in EE;
- Chopin wrote a shorter mark in both autographs in analogous b. 8-9;
- it seems that Chopin, who found it difficult to fit in all elements of notation in a number of places of this autograph, took the advantage of free space in this place – cf. the L.H. slur, certainly inaccurate, which reaches even further.
In this situation, in the main text we repeat the notation used in AI and AF in b. 8-9. It has the following advantages:
- the conformity of two autographs practically guarantees that the notation reproduces the composer's intention precisely;
- the range of the mark is a compromise between the versions of the range of all sources in the discussed place;
- it ensures the homogeneity of the text of b. 8-9 and 100-101, identical in every respect.
category imprint: Differences between sources
issues: Scope of dynamic hairpins, Authentic corrections of FE, Inaccuracies in A
notation: Articulation, Accents, Hairpins
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