Issues : EE revisions

b. 130

composition: Op. 22, Polonaise

b1 in FE (→GE) & EE2

a1 in EE1


EE1 features the initial version of the 6th semiquaver, changed in the penultimate stage of proofreading of FE (→GE). The changes of the correction performed on the plate are clearly visible in FE. In addition, the changed note (b1) was provided with a cautionary , which we omit in the main text, since it is superfluous in this context. The accidental was also removed in GE; it is also absent in EE2, in which the corrected note was introduced probably on the basis of GE1.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: EE revisions , GE revisions , Cautionary accidentals , Authentic corrections of FE , Main-line changes

b. 132

composition: Op. 22, Polonaise


FE (→GE) are lacking in the  restoring f2 on the 11th small note and in the  restoring b1 on the last one. EE corrected only the latter; in turn, two cautionary accidentals were added –  before e2 (5th quaver) and  before g2 (10th quaver).

category imprint: Interpretations within context; Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

issues: EE revisions , Errors in FE , Omissions to cancel alteration , GE revisions

b. 133-136

composition: Op. 22, Polonaise

Slurs in FE (→GE)

Slurs, accents & wedge in EE


The shortened slurs and accents of EE, as well as the wedge over the 1st sixth in b. 135, are unjustified revisions of this edition (analogous additions were introduced in b. 136-137 too). Chopin confirmed the performance manner of these motifs (written down in FE (→GE)) in analogous b. 141-142 and 143-144 (and partially also 142-143 and 144-145), in which, after all, EE did not change the slurs.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions

b. 134-137

composition: Op. 22, Polonaise


The accents over the 2nd sixth in b. 134-136 and the wedges over the first one in b. 135 and 137 are arbitrary additions of the revision of EE – see the notes to b. 133-136 and 136-137.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions

b. 136-137

composition: Op. 22, Polonaise

No markings in FE

Staccato dot in GE

Slur & wedge in EE

Slur suggested by the editors


We suggest adding a slur in the main text, which, as indicated by the comparison with three previous similar motifs, was most probably overlooked. In turn, there are no grounds to regard the versions of GE and EE, in which the 1st quaver in b. 137 was provided with a staccato mark, as authentic.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

issues: EE revisions , GE revisions