Issues : EE revisions

b. 270-272

composition: Op. 21, Concerto in F minor, Mvt III

4 accents in A & GE2

3 accents in GE1

3 accents in FE

4 accents in EE


The omission of the 2nd accent in bar 272 in GE1 (→FE) must be an oversight. The accents in FE are placed inaccurately – the second one in bar 270 can be interpreted to apply to the 7th quaver, whereas the sign in bar 272 was placed under the 3rd note in the bar. In EE the 2nd accent in bar 272 was added, yet it was placed under the 1st note of the triplet, analogously to the one in bar 270. Both remaining accents were arbitrarily changed to vertical ones.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions , Inaccuracies in FE , Errors in GE

b. 278-280

composition: Op. 21, Concerto in F minor, Mvt III

4 accents in A & GE2

3 accents in GE1

4 accents in FE

4 accents in EE


The omission of the last accent in bar 280 in GE1 must be a mistake. The accent was added in FE, yet it was placed inaccurately, as a result of which it is uncertain whether it applies to the 2nd or the 1st quaver of the triplet (the 1st accent in bar 278 in FE is even more inaccurate; we interpret it to apply to the 1st quaver in the bar). In EE, three out of four accents were put a quaver earlier, on the 1st or 7th note in the bar, which is a mistake.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions , Inaccuracies in FE , Errors in GE , GE revisions

b. 282

composition: Op. 21, Concerto in F minor, Mvt III


FE1 has an a1-cthird on the 1st quaver. It is a perfect example of an unfinished proofreading, where the correct note was printed without having removed the erroneous one. The mistake was corrected in FE2 (→EE).

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions , Errors in FE , Terzverschreibung error , Partial corrections

b. 293-295

composition: Op. 21, Concerto in F minor, Mvt III

Shorter  in A

Different  in GE1 (→FE)

Longer  in EE & GE2


We give the  hairpin in the main text on the basis of A. It is the only version whose authenticity does not raise any doubts. The musically sensible version of GE1 (→FE) may be considered an equal variant; however, it may be a result of the engraver's inaccuracy. In the version of EE and GE2 one can see an arbitrary attempt to unify the notation of GE1 (→FE) or another inaccuracy.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions , Scope of dynamic hairpins , GE revisions , Authentic corrections of GE

b. 295-304

composition: Op. 21, Concerto in F minor, Mvt III

No L.H. slurs in A (→GE1FE)

L.H. slurs in EE & GE2


The slurs in the L.H. added in bars 295-296, 299-300, 302 and 304 in EE and GE2 are almost certainly an arbitrary revision. See bars 297-298.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions , GE revisions