p. 2, b. 23-49
Main text

The accent in A in bar 23 is not a typical long accent, yet the musical context and analogy with the next bar encourage us to consider it a long one. The missing signs in FE (→EE) may be explained with an oversight of the engraver; however, it is also possible that the signs were added in the last stage of proofreading of GE1.
category imprint: Differences between sources
issues: Long accents, Errors in FE, Inaccuracies in GE
notation: Articulation, Accents, Hairpins
Missing markers on sources:
GE1, A, GE1a, Morch, GE2, FE1, FE2, FES, FED, FEJ, EE1, EE2, EE3