Issues : Annotations in FED

b. 141

composition: Op. 21, Concerto in F minor, Mvt I

Fingering written into FED

No teaching fingering


Four digits of Chopin fingering were added to FED.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Annotations in teaching copies , Annotations in FED

b. 142

composition: Op. 21, Concerto in F minor, Mvt I

e1 under tied a1 in A & FED (probable reading)

No e1 in GE1 (→FEEE)

e1 before repeated a1 in FED (possible reading)

e1 inside grupetto in GE2


The missing ecrotchet in the bottom voice in GE1 (→FEEE) is a patent mistake. One could even assume that the engraver of GE1 omitted this note, since the erroneous layout of the group of small notes would have impeded its reasonable placement: it would either fall over the 4th quaver in the L.H. or in the middle of the grupetto of the top voice in the R.H. (the latter was adopted in GE2, where a crotchet was added without correcting the layout of small quavers).

The poorly legible entry in FED certainly includes the added e1, perhaps also deletion of the tie of the aminim. According to us, it may mean returning the version of A with sustained aor possibly a version close to the one written by Chopin in the recapitulation, with a gruppetto composed of five notes starting after the ecrotchet.

category imprint: Graphic ambiguousness; Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Annotations in teaching copies , Annotations in FED , Errors in GE , GE revisions

b. 145-146

composition: Op. 21, Concerto in F minor, Mvt I

Fingering written into FED

No teaching fingering

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Annotations in teaching copies , Annotations in FED

b. 146-147

composition: Op. 21, Concerto in F minor, Mvt I

Fingering written into FED

No teaching fingering


The fingering added in FED comes most probably from Chopin.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Annotations in teaching copies , Annotations in FED

b. 146

composition: Op. 21, Concerto in F minor, Mvt I

 in A

cresc. in GE (→FEEE)

cresc. in FED


The change of the  sign, written in A, to cresc. appearing in GE (→FEEE) seems to be Chopin's correction. However, it cannot be excluded that the change was performed arbitrarily by the engraver of GE1, seeing that there is no place for such a long sign – over the notes it is the  sign from the last bar that is an obstacle and between the staves it is the number 18, the slur and the  in the part of the L.H. What is more, cresc. printed in FED was deleted and written closer to the end of the bar, which can be considered a confirmation of the inauthenticity of the change performed in GE1. However, due to the lack of conclusive arguments against the authenticity of the changes performed in the sources with a confirmed participation of Chopin – GE1 and FED – we consider all three source versions to be authentic and in the main text we give the latest, i.e. FED

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Annotations in teaching copies , Annotations in FED , Authentic corrections of GE