b. 4

No fingering in FC (→GE) & EE

Fingering in FE

In the entire Etude, FE includes a significantly more precisely marked fingering than FC (→GE) and EE. Due to the fact that in bars 51 and 57 the completed fingering neighbours directly with the digits corrected in print, one can assume that these and the remaining additions were introduced rather in a proofreading of FE than in a manuscript base text to this edition. The additions appear in the following bars:

  • bar 4 (at the beginning and at the end),
  • bars 5-6,
  • bar 8 (at the end) and 9-10,
  • bar 11,
  • bars 14-15 (the 1st semiquaver) and bar 15 (after the rest),
  • bar 17-18, 19-20, 21-22, 23-24 and 25-26,
  • bar 37-38, 39-40 and 41,
  • bar 51 (addition and proofreading),
  • bar 57 (addition and proofreading).

In turn, in FE there is no fingering in the L.H. in bars 43-46.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Authentic corrections of FE

notation: Fingering

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