b. 77-80

Slur in A, literal reading

Interpretated slur in A (→FE→GE1), and slur in EE & GE2 (→GE3GE4)

Our suggestion

The slurring in bars 77-80 given in the main text most probably corresponds to Chopin's notation, despite the fact that it is not featured in this form in any of the sources. According to us, the intention is expressed with the suggesting continuation slur in A in bar 77 (the last one in the line) and the slur of FE in bars 79-80, probably added by Chopin at the time of proofreading.

The beginning of the slur in FE in bar 79 and the remaining marks included in the sources in bars 77-80 are either evidently inaccurate or revised by a foreign hand:

  • in FE (→GE1) the slur in bar 77 was generally repeated after A, without removing its ambiguity; in EE and subsequent GE,s the slur ends on the last semiquaver;
  • in bar 79 Chopin stopped writing the slur in A, probably due to the fact that he did not see the possibility to lead it to the end without deleting other indications or excessive distortion of the mark.

Both slurs of A are clearly inaccurate; as we want to avoid ambiguity and preserve the possible concordance with the graphic design of the source, we assume that each of them includes all semiquavers in the bar.

category imprint: Graphic ambiguousness; Interpretations within context; Differences between sources

issues: Inaccurate slurs in A, Authentic corrections of FE

notation: Slurs

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