In CLI the crotchets in the L.H. in bars 19 and 21-24 are undoubtedly the original version – in FEcor Chopin replaced the majority of them with quavers with rests (except for the 2nd half of bar 24). On the other hand, Ap has an already later version (apart from the last chord in bar 22), which may suggest Chopin's hesitation. According to us, the reason for this situation may have been different: for some reason (excess of chores?) Chopin presented the working autograph of the Etude as the base text for FE. It was only vaguely checked, many details were left in the previous version not because the composer wanted to return to original ideas, but because he did not ensure their change.
category imprint: Differences between sources
issues: Chopin's hesitations, Accompaniment changes, Authentic corrections of FE
notation: Rhythm
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