JC includes rhythmic errors in three out of five bars of the introduction of a similar rhythmic structure (bars 1-3 and 5-6). The error in bar 1 is obvious, there are also no major doubts concerning bar 5, in which the notation of the rhythm on the upper pentagram seems to be unquestionable, while the combination of the semiquaver in the R.H. with the last quaver in the L.H. with one stem indicates a simultaneous strike of both hands. In both bars, the correct text is confirmed by a compatible version of the remaining sources. The criterium cannot be applied in bar 6, as the rhythm in EF differs here from the rhythm in PE. Therefore, in this case we apply the criterium of lower number of errors: we assume that the copyist made only one error, writing unnecessary double dots next to the third on the 2nd beat. Under this assumption, the versions of JC and EF are compatible and they probably correspond to the notation of [AI]. In [A] (→PE), which is undoubtedly a later version, Chopin changed the equal quavers into a dotted rhythm, homogenising the rhythm of the 3rd beat of the bar in bars 1-3 and 5-7.
category imprint: Differences between sources
issues: Errors of JC
notation: Rhythm
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