b. 606-620

up to bar 615 in EE (simplest interpretation)

up to bar 620, contextual interpretation of EE

up to bar 612 in GC (→GE)

No marking in FE

For the main text we adopt cresc. - - - based on GC (→GE). In FE there is no marking at all, which is most probably Chopin's omission while writing hastily [A2] (cf. annotation to b. 373).

In EE, compared with the rhythm and pitch corresponding bars 574-584, the version of bars  606-616 differs in some relevant details in execution markings:

  •  crescendo marking spans 10 bars (up to b. 615) and not 7 as prebiously marked. Moreover, the notation split into syllables, characteristic of EE, suggests that but for the erroneous beginning of a new page with b. 616, the marking would have extended up to b. 620;
  • accents in bars 607 and 611 appear also in RH. In the remaining sources as well as in bars 575 and 579 the accents apply to LF only;
  • pedalling in bars 608-610 does not exist in the other sources or the corresponding bars 576-578.

Since bars 605-616 may not have been written out in manuscripts (cf. notation GC), only the first of the above mentioned differences may have been notated in the manuscript phase. So, the accents and pedalling may have been added in print, therefore without any convincing traces of Chopin's edits, it is problematic, in view of EE, to assume their authenticity.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions, Errors in EE

notation: Verbal indications

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