Main text
AO - Autograph Oury
AR - Autograph Rotschild
AE - Autograph Eszterhazy
AK - Autograph Krudner
AG - Autograph Gavard
CX - Copy of Autograph Eszterhazy
CY - Copy of Autograph Gavard
CC - Czartoryscy copy
F - Fontana Version
FC - Fontana copy
PE - First Polish edition
FEF - Fontana's French edition
GEF - Fontana's German edition
  b. 20-22




The beginning of this phrase mark is written in various places:
- in AO and AE (→CX), it starts from fin bar 21
- in AK and AG (→CY), it starts in the upbeat to bar 21 - it includes the e1 note
- in AR, it is written ambiguously - it seems that it was somehow "moved" by Chopin - it has the right length, yet it starts from the gon the 3rd beat in bar 21 and ends in bar 23, encompassing the rest and overlapping with the next phrase mark.
Due to the course of the music phrase, we suggest the editorial version for all sources with a phrase mark encompassing the upbeat to bar 21 to the end of bar 22.  

Compare the passage in the sources »

category imprint: Graphic ambiguousness; Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

notation: Slurs

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