Main text
AO - Autograph Oury
AR - Autograph Rotschild
AE - Autograph Eszterhazy
AK - Autograph Krudner
AG - Autograph Gavard
CX - Copy of Autograph Eszterhazy
CY - Copy of Autograph Gavard
CC - Czartoryscy copy
F - Fontana Version
FC - Fontana copy
PE - First Polish edition
FEF - Fontana's French edition
GEF - Fontana's German edition
  b. 1





In two autographs, AO and AK, Chopin wrote an abbreviated tempo marking, Allto, which we expand - Allegretto.

The tempo and metronome markings in FEF and GEF are certainly inauthentic. In the editions, the metronome is written on the left-hand side next to the first great stave. Following the contemporary convention, we place it next to the tempo marking. The tempo marking is followed by a dot in both sources; in GEF, a dot is present also after the metronome marking - we do not take them into consideration in the edition.

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category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

notation: Verbal indications

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