In A the middle note of the 2nd triplet is devoid of an accidental, which gives c2. What is more, the defining c
2 is before the 2nd semiquaver of the nonuplet further on in the bar, which seems to confirm the fact that the discussed note should be a c2. On the other hand, a strong argument for an oversight of the
before this note is provided by the penultimate semiquaver in the bar, b
1, and not b
1 – the 1st and 2nd beat is a transposition of the 4th and 5th beat by a second up (from F
to G
), and the counterpart of this b
1 in the analysed place is c
2, and not c2.
Compare the passage in the sources»
category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions
issues: GE revisions, Omission of current key accidentals, Errors of A
notation: Pitch