p. 6, b. 91-105
Main text
b. 94-95
In A the slur encompasses bars 93-94; although its ending reaches beyond the last note in bar 94, nothing suggests that it should be led to the next bar (the beginning of the slur precedes the 1st octave in bar 93 by about the same gap, it is a typical example of the Chopinesque encompassing slur). This is how it must have been interpreted by the copyist in [FC] and, on the basis thereof, by the engraver of FE (→EE).
category imprint: Graphic ambiguousness; Differences between sources
issues: Inaccuracies in GE, Embracing slurs
notation: Slurs
Missing markers on sources:
A, FE1, FE2, FEJ, FES, GE1, GE2, EE1, EE2