Issues : Errors in CK

b. 13-14

composition: WN 37, Lento con gran espressione

No slurs in A1, CK & EL

Slur in bar 14 in CJ

Slur from bar 13 in CB


In the main text we give a slur in the 2nd half of b. 14, written in CJ. The absence of this slur in CK and EL probably results from Kolberg's oversight. It is likely that upon seeing the text of CK devoid of slurs, Balakirev decided to repeat in CB the slur from analogous b. 5-6.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Balakirev's revisions , Errors in CK

b. 16

composition: WN 37, Lento con gran espressione

No markings in A1 & CB

Pause in CK & EL

Slur & long accent suggested by the editors


The indications concerning the a1 note at the beginning of the bar raise serious doubts due to the sources based on [A2] being incompatible – CJ and CK. In the main text we give an interpretation of the notation of CJ, in which both visible elements – slur and short  hairpin – can be quite easily and reasonably interpreted as a tenuto mark and a long accent. In turn, in CK the similarly placed yet much smaller elements actually resemble a fermata (this is how they were reproduced in EL), which is completely unjustified in this place.

category imprint: Graphic ambiguousness; Differences between sources

issues: Long accents , Errors in CK

b. 18

composition: WN 37, Lento con gran espressione

No sign in A1, CK (→CB) & EL

 in CJ, literal reading

 suggested by the editors


In the main text we include the  hairpin written in CJ, slightly adjusting its range to the shape of the melodic line. The absence of the mark in CK and its derivative sources is probably Kolberg's oversight – cf. the next note.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Errors in CK

b. 32

composition: WN 37, Lento con gran espressione


CK is lacking in the  raising f1 to f1. This patent mistake was not repeated in CB; the remaining sources also contain the correct text.

category imprint: Interpretations within context; Differences between sources

issues: Balakirev's revisions , Errors in CK

b. 49

composition: WN 37, Lento con gran espressione

No slurs in #A!, CK & EL

Slurs in CJ & CB


In CJ the slur is written over the 1st group of the L.H. quavers. The second group is marked as repetition of the first, which, in this context, most probably also concerns the slur. There is no reason to question the authenticity of this slur, hence its absence in CK is probably a result of Kolberg's oversight. The slurs in CB are part of a comprehensive revision – see b. 6-19.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Balakirev's revisions , Errors in CK