Issues : Abbreviated octaves' notation

b. 128-131

composition: Op. 2, Variations, complete

No octaves in AsI

No octaves after AsI

Octaves in A (→GEFE,EE,FESB)

Octaves after A (→GEFE,EE,FESB)


In A the L.H. octaves are written in an abridged manner with the use of the con 8va indication. The editions explained the abbreviation. The absence of the indication in AsI may be an earlier version or a simplified notation of the obvious.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: GE revisions , Bass register changes , Abbreviated octaves' notation

b. 129-131

composition: Op. 35, Sonata in B♭ minor, Mvt I


Same as in bars 121-123, in GC in the part of the left hand only the top notes of the octaves are written (except for the last two in bar 131). The bottom ones were marked in an abbreviated manner with the help of the con 8va - - - indication.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Abbreviated octaves' notation

b. 168-170

composition: Op. 2, Variations, complete

No octaves in AsI

Octaves in A (→GEFE,EE,FESB)


As in b. 128-131, the fact that the bass line was not doubled an octave lower in AsI may be just a simplified version of notation. In A the doubled line was marked with con 8va, which was elaborated in the editions.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations

issues: Bass register changes , Abbreviated octaves' notation

b. 192-198

composition: Op. 39, Scherzo in C♯ minor


In GC (→GE) and FE the lower notes of the L.H. octaves in bars 192-194 and 198 were marked in an abbreviated manner with the digits 8. In EE, they were written out in notes, and we adopt that notation as matching today's standards. Similarly in bars 199, 236-240 & 486-493. See also the note concerning bars  195-196.

category imprint: Editorial revisions; Source & stylistic information

issues: Abbreviated octaves' notation

b. 193-194

composition: Op. 21, Concerto in F minor, Mvt I


In A the octaves in the L.H. are written in an abbreviated manner with single notes with the following annotation: con 8 - -.

category imprint: Source & stylistic information

issues: GE revisions , Abbreviated octaves' notation