p. 3, b. 73-104
Main text
b. 82
It is difficult to determine Chopin's final intention here. The authenticity of both versions is likely yet not absolutely certain: Chopin could have committed a mistake while writing a before b1 in A1, while the in GE1, inserted in print instead of a , could have been a result of Chopin's proofreading but also of the reviser's work, as EE show. In the main text we adopt the musically most natural version of the principal source (GE1); in turn, we consider the version of A1 (→FE) to be an equal variant.
category imprint: Differences between sources; Corrections & alterations
issues: EE revisions, Authentic corrections of GE
notation: Pitch
Missing markers on sources:
Afrag, A1, FE1, FE2, FED, GE1, GE2, EE1